I'm looking forward to leading two workshops at the next National Pastors Convention.

Here are the workshop descriptions…

Finding the Groove:  Composing a Jazz-Shaped Faith

You don’t have to be a musician to experience the renaissance of a jazz-shaped faith.  Jazz is more than music and it’s the more that we can creatively apply to prayer, scripture and church life.  The concepts of call & response, syncopation and improvisation allow us to experience ensemble community—life in concert with and for our God.

Leading a Marginal Church:

Jesus said that his gospel was good news to the marginalized and the miserable, the poor and the poor in spirit.  This session will focus on the values, convictions, habits and practices of leaders who hear the cry of the vulnerable and call their congregations to spend themselves on behalf of the poor.


Looking forward to seeing a lot of my blog friends there…

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