One-Note-Wonders Jazz icon Sydney Bechet once gave the following instructions to a fellow musician, “I’m going to give you one note today…See how many ways you can play that note—growl it, smear it, flat it, sharp it, do anything you want to it.” There are so many notes in the scriptures that you can’t learn…

I prayed.  I studied.  I had anxiety attacks.  I couldn’t figure out what to say.  Then through an odd set of circumstances, I happened upon an idea–donkeys.  I could talk about the donkeys of the Bible and draw application from their lives to ours.  Bear with me, as a sixteen year old, it sounded like…

After much time in the scriptures and many a sermons in which I underlined every verse my pastor preached I was ready to start experimenting, risking, and searching for my own voice. When I was a freshman in high school, I thought I was going to be an orthopedic surgeon.  I even enrolled in Latin…

I remember how it happened for me.  It began with me asking my Grandmother for a Bible shortly after I gave my life to Christ at the age of nine.  It was a NIV Thomson Chain and it is still the one that I read devotionally to this day.  The first book of the Bible…

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