The Jazz Theologian

Hey, I'm in the running for the 2009 Black Weblog Awards! Click on the icon and vote for me…Please!

I'm here in San Antonio for the RENOVARE' International Conference.  It's hot and humid…but oh so worth it to hear from Richard Foster, Dallas Willard, John Ortberg, Max Lucado and Eugene Peterson.   Today I had the privilege of speaking about the subject of my book, Finding the Groove, and tomorrow I will share with the conference…

What would you ask Adam?  Here are my questions. Why didn't you say anything? Too often we blame your wife for partaking of the forbidden fruit.  But you were there…RIGHT THERE! The scriptures say that, "she took some and ate it.  She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it."  (Gen.…

Barry C. Black is the current chaplain to the U.S. Senate.  Appointed in 2003 he is the 62nd person to hold this position and the first African-American.  He spent thirty-nine years as a Navy chaplain earning the rank of Admiral and three doctorates along the way (ministry, philosophy & psychology). Now he walks the corridors…

Skye Jethani (author of The Divine Commodity, which is a must read) has a post on his blog about what he calls Cosmo-Christians.  What about you…are you a Cosmo-Christian?   Find out at his blog Skyebox.

I just read Mark Osler's Jesus on Death Row:  The Trial of Jesus and American Capital Punishment.  It's worth your time for two reasons.  One, anything that reminds us of what our Savior did for our salvation will only serve to draw us nearer to our most merciful God.  Two, seeing Jesus as a death row…

When President Obama announced the White House Office of Faith-Based Initiatives and Neighborhood Partnerships many wondered if he was serious when he made abortion reduction one of the main goals.   Today's news seems to indicate that he meant it…just read this  President Obama Appoints Anti-Abortion Catholic or Obama's Pro-Life Appointment on Beliefnet

I just started a new book called Jesus on Death Row: The Trial of Jesus and American Capital Punishment. The author, Mark Osler, is a former prosecutor and current Professor of Law at Baylor University of School of Law.  I'm intrigued by his approach because he is looking at the trial of Jesus through the…

My book, Finding the Groove:  Composing a Jazz-Shaped faith, is now available for all of you Kindle users as well…

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