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The Jazz Theologian
The Jazz Theologian
Satchmo–a final thought for now…
Robert Gelinas
I’ll spend a lot of time on Louis in days to come but here’s a final thought for now. What made him such a great ambassador for jazz? What accounts for his world wide influence? Some say it was his improvisational skills with the trumpet and others point to his vocals, both of which were…
Satchmo (p2)
Robert Gelinas
Jazz before Louis Armstrong was a localized art form and after Armstrong it was a world wide phenomenon. What was it about this man and his music? As you read the lyrics you can hear his voice… I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom for me and you And I…
Satchmo–The Global implications of a Jazz-Based Faith (p1)
Robert Gelinas
I was just listening to "THE MAN"…Louis Armstrong…The Apostle Paul of Jazz. We have much to learn from him about how to go global. "Satchmo" was short for satchelmouth because of the size of his mouth!
Robert Gelinas
Can we do what the writers of scripture did? Take the 23rd Psalm. Classically speaking we should seek to understand all the ins and outs of the sheeping business, as many have, and we can benefit much from the metaphor of God being our shepherd. But what if we were to do what King David…
Jazzaneutics p4
Robert Gelinas
What if we are meant to understand the scriptures by doing them? For example, when we read passages like Nehemiah 1 or Daniel 9 we discover two men confessing the sins of their people. What does it mean to know these passages? Is it to have a cognitive understanding of them or should be…
Jazzaneutics p3
Robert Gelinas
When we read our Bibles, where do we find the meaning? Is the meaning of our Bibles in what the author is saying or doing? If the main point of the scriptures is primarily in what is being said than the classical approach is more than adequate. All we need is to understand the words…
Jazzaneutics p2
Robert Gelinas
Where is meaning located? In classical thought, meaning approached cognitively and this approach has had a profound effect on the way we read our Bibles. Hermeneutics is an approach to reading our Bibles using the classical empirical method. The basic idea is that we can understand the meaning of the scriptures primarily through cerebral measures. …
Jazzaneutics p1
Robert Gelinas
This is the greek god Hermes. Have you thought about how you have been relying on him to read your Bible?
The Tension of the hyphen–Bridges to God
Robert Gelinas
I’ve struggled with this last post on hyphenization because of how deeply it is touching my soul. Forgive me for playing it safe. The beauty of a jazz musician, "lies in their ability not simply to hit a musical note exactly, but to move around the ‘margins’ of a note, thereby increasing the vibrato and…
Divided-Identity–Hyphenization (part 3)
Robert Gelinas
Slaves were "de-Africanized" almost immediately. But upon arriving in the new land, "Africans in America needed not think even for a moment that they were American’s. The beatings, lynchings, and the psychological demoralization of having to call someone ‘master’ experientially told them that they were not American’s. They were not allowed to be Africans, and…
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