Some in the Emerging conversation, and perhaps more than some, would call themselves “post-Evangelical.” This raises a question: In what sense are they “post” Evangelical? I will give four possible meanings, suggest that not all are using the term the same way, and see if maybe we can help shed some light on this issue.…

We have been looking at the meaning of “post” in “post”-evangelical, “post”-liberal, “post”-fundamentalism, and the like. Today I want to explore with you the significance of looking at this term “post” in the context of the telos, or goal, of the emerging conversation. In some ways, one would hope that every Christian would have the…

This morning does not permit a lengthy post, but I will combine today’s idea with today’s particular vocation, of “performing the gospel” with the “Lord’s Day.” I’m also struggling with my son’s Safari browser as it does not appear to enable me to edit much on this post. The “post” in the “post”modern and the…

When the emerging generation of Christian thinkers and leaders claims that it is “post-evangelical” and “post-modern” and “post-liberal” and “post-fundamentalist,” in fact “post” a lot of things, it means among other things the following: First, it does not necessarily mean that is is “anti” any of those things in a radical sense. I can’t speak…

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