Because of the combination of a growing student body and the retirement of two colleagues (Cal Katter, Jim Nelson), we have an opening at NPU in the Biblical and Theological Studies Department. We are looking for someone who can teach 2-3 surveys of the Bible and also either some Theology or some Bible (either OT or NT).
Please pass the word.
Here is the official announcement:
NORTH PARK UNIVERSITY invites applications for a tenure-track position in Biblical and Theological Studies with an interest in both Bible and Theology, beginning August 2006. Rank: Assistant/Associate. Area of specialization is either Bible (Old Testament or New Testament) or Theology (Reformation to present), but person is expected to teach both Bible and Theology courses. Ph.D. in hand or ABD (in some cases). North Park is sponsored by the Evangelical Covenant Church ( and seeks applicants with a personal commitment to its mission of Christian higher education. NPU is a co-educational, private Christian university of approximately 2,000 students. NPU is an Equal Opportunity Employer. To apply: Send letter, curriculum vitae, and references to: Scot McKnight, Ph.D., Dept. Chair of Biblical and Theological Studies, North Park University, 3225 W. Foster Ave., Chicago, IL 60625.

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