The first three promised posts on the Emerging Movement, on Praxis, Protest, and Postmodernity, evoke a final post on the positives. There has been some justifiable criticism of the Emerging Movement for its constant criticism, though I think from the beginning the criticism has been matched (and sometimes outdone by) creative resolutions. So, today I…

Brad Bergfalk and I are both tiring with the prose of James Houston, and one of us thinks the book better than the other. But, here is our fifth part (on chp 6). Summary (Brad Bergfalk) After reviewing the meaning of personhood in the three false categories of mentoring (heroic, stoic, and therapeutic), Houston embarks…

Embracing Grace, I am happy to say, is now out and you should be seeing it in your local bookstores. I have had my copies about two weeks, and it takes about that long to get to the warehouses and into stores and onto shelves. A good price can be had from Covenant Bookstore on…

This series on “What is the Emerging Church?” is designed to help the many who are constantly asking about the identity and definition of the movement or conversation. But, let me be a bit cranky first: Emergent Village has a clear “Order” posted and there is no reason anyone can’t consult it for definition; Wikipedia…

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