In the third section of Alan Mann’s book, Atonement for a ‘Sinless’ Society, Mann deals with the Passion narrative of the Gospels as a narrative that invites the postmodern self into the text in order to find ontological coherence through Jesus’ own coherence. I think the book deserves reading by pastor groups, seminaries, and advanced…

My friend and fellow blogger, Pastor Steve McCoy, ever mindful of the image of the Southern Baptists, is now watching out for my image. In an effort to improve my standing in an increasingly youthful development in our Biblical and Theological Studies Department has re-configured my thin beard into the image of David Crowder. Now,…

Sometimes the way to follow Jesus is to go to the cross with him. Peter thought this was the only option for the household slaves — he appealed to them to look to God for grace, to look to God for vindication, and to follow the example of Jesus. Sometimes we pursue justice “within the…

In Alan Mann’s Atonement for a ‘Sinless’ Society, which drew plenty of healthy comment yesterday, there is a big-time emphasis on narrative or story. Whether we talk like this or even think like this or not, “story” or “narrative” gives meaning to our lives. We make sense of our life and our world by telling…

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