Busy week, down in links for this Weekly Meanderings. Lukas and Annika were here, I was hard at work on a writing project, and we left for LA and San Diego on Wednesday. Here are some suggested readings.
Bob Robinson on human potentiality as the way to view humans. Good piece.
The Emergent Village Candidate for President of the USA. I’ll say this: there’d be some fun in the land.
JI Packer on how to be a better writer. (HT: Justin Taylor)
Good interview by Zach Kincaid of Randall Balmer.
Here a good story by and about Keith Drury that was linked to in my series on Zealotry. (HT: Doug Thompson)
1. It is true, bloggers are on the up and up.
2. I regularly recommend Newbigin’s writings. Drew Moser, at Rural Praxis, is now starting a series on what is probably Newbigin’s most complete book; I suggest checking Drew’s site out now and then if you haven’t read Newbigin.
3. I recently added Emerging Women to my Sidebar and am trying to keep up with this blog. There’s not been much discussion over there, but you might check them out and spur something on.
4. I benefited from Brad Bergfalk’s review of Barbara Brown Taylor’s new memoir of faith and ministry.
5. Picture of the week from Fr. Rob.
6. A Quakerish slant to the emerging movement by Wess Daniels.
7. Michael Kruse has a review of Al Gore’s movie.
8. Good reminder from Ted Gossard: being ourselves.
9. Some local emerging folk made CBS 10pm news in Chicago. See the text here.
10. Bob Robinson‘s just started a new series on apologetics in the postmodern world. Promises of a good series.
On Sports: Nothing to say. Baseball went into its silly World Series spin this week, the World Cup ended, and golf — well, I didn’t see any of it this week. Too busy.