Dear Krista, Your question is a good one, and it is one that has haunted my own academic career for more than twenty years. Here’s your question: “how one should react to those preaching the traditional Romans road– especially at Bible Camps or other distinct Christian functions? Moreover, should that teaching be discouraged?” Put abstractly,…

“Hostile to the church, friendly to Jesus Christ.” These words describe large numbers of people, especially young people, today. They are opposed to anything which savors of institutionalism. They detest the establishment and its entrenched privileges. And they reject the church — not without some justification — because they regard it as impossibly corrupted by…

As you know, Kris and I are practitioners of fixed-hour prayer, what I call “sacred rhythms.” And you may recall that we practice mostly with Phyllis Tickle’s The Divine Hours. Which, owing to the weight and size of the volumes, creates a problem when we travel. Until now.

If I were a seminary President, the first person I’d appoint as professor-pastor- sage would be John Koenig. John Koenig, built like Abe Lincoln, is a rare combination of Episcopal priest, New Testament scholar, anabaptist character, and gentle spirit — not to mention Elisabeth, his gracious wife who is a scholar herself. I have known…

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