Chicago’s Offense is up in the air now that Hester’s just too good to kick to…
The Ten Plagues Bowling Game:
(Available at TEN PLAGUES BOWLING SET: $20, plus shipping and handling, from Hamakor Judaica, 7777 N. Merrimac Ave., Niles, IL 60714; 800-426-2567.)
Yet another “case for book” …. The Case for Lee Strobel.
Just in case you didn’t see this, Eugene Cho weighs in on Buy Nothing Day (Black Friday) and explains a few things many of us need to hear.
Dave Dunbar‘s got another edition of missional journal posted. Good stuff again from a seminary that is setting a trend on missional orientation.
A New Report from Leadership on the variety of Christians in the USA. This report is worth having at your fingertips, esp the brief conspectus of facts at the bottom of the piece.
Erika Haub’s reflection is a good reminder of the value of sacred space and memory.
Good missional students at NPU.
Talk about the good ole days.
An Advent resource, available online, from Brother Maynard.
1. Good piece on the faith of science.
2. Sunday School for atheists.
3. Anyone know much about green burial? I read a piece in the Tribune this week about it.
4. Dan Reid, who deserves 50 honorary doctorates for his editorial work on the IVP dictionaries, has a blog that is always worth reading … and the one about what to say when you’ve bought too many books is priceless.
5. 1. Is this consumerism or missional?
6. Should we “rap” the Creed? See David Neff’s Dr. Luther, Rapmeister.
7. The Innocence Project: quite the story.
8. Here’s a pastor’s new blog and it gives me the impression of another pastor’s blog I like — but I won’t mention the name.
9. Brad Wright, a sociology professor and a good thinker on statistics, has now finished an 11-part report on the Willow study. Ben Dubow links to all eleven; it is worth your while to begin with #11.
10. Any response to this history of marriage and marriage law?
Baseball’s biggest scandal for years.