It’s that time of the year again … and Kris and I enjoy our walks in the flurries.
Maybe the best piece I’ve seen all year long on the internet or maybe it is this one!
David Neff’s response to the Romney-Religion speech.
An excellent new piece by Barna.
1. Did you see this? A report of mistranslations in the Gospel of Judas aired last year.
2. Cindy Lambert and the Voice — part one and part two.
3. Many are now talking about the “missional turn” in the church — few know it as well as Dave Dunbar.
4. Anyone using one of these e-readers?
5. Advent and prayer from Ted.
6. The Pope has got to start writing shorter posts on his (encyclical) blog. Here’s his newest one: On Hope. Important read.
7. Wayne Grudem supports Romney.
Sorry Rex.

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