Try this for a downloadable copy of the Jesus Creed itself. (HT Peggy Brown)
Paraclete Press is willing to give away 100 advance copies of 40 Days Living the Jesus Creed. [This order is now over but you are welcome to order the book from either Paraclete or our sidebar. Sorry, but the advance copies went fast.] Kris and I decided together that 40 Days had to be dedicated to the Jesus Creed blog community and so we are thrilled Paraclete is making this offer to you. If you’d like to get a free copy here is what to do:
1. Go to this page.
2. Proceed as if you are ordering until you see the page that has a coupon code box. Use this coupon code: PR40days
Bingo, it’s yours!
The first 100 will get a free copy.