Chicago Spring means spotting Baltimore Orioles and the morning dance of birds:
Evangelical renaissance?
Only God.
A lower case friend of mine points us to this: and it is cool.
Angry young men.
Good confession and a prayer for healing from us.
Been fishing?
Speaking of fishing … one of our pastor’s wisdom writers who loves to fish, Rob Merola, continued his post on his own blog. So did David Fitch.
I’m sure some pastors can find a great analogy or illustration in this story. Any come to mind immediately?
Here’s a book deal on Jason Boyett’s Pocket Guide. Only 6.99 per book.
Michael Kruse has a potent little chart posted about the growth of religious adherence in the USA.
Very thoughtful piece by Ed Gilbreath.
Karen doing good for the victims of war.
Your youth minister needs to see this listing by Marko.
Some of our students biking for justice.
A truth-teller.
Xenophobia in South Africa.
One in our blog community has just finished blogging about another in our blog community — about his book.
1. A question for pastors.
2. Summer jobs … many youngsters are struggling to find one.
3. Gotta love this one.
4. Elite teens struggling to find time for lunch.
5. Thabo Mbekei speaks about xenophobia unrest.
6. Wow, maybe the longest political rant I’ve ever listened to: Keith Olberman on Hillary Clinton.
7. Tribune links don’t always last, but I hope this one does: some Midwest States are working on legislation to protect the water in the Great Lakes.
8. Has anyone read this book? Any thoughts?
9. This deserves to be higher and I’ve run out of space, and Eugene will forgive me (I hope), but his paragraph of misspellings is priceless.
10. Tamara Buchan, at Missio Lux, has some great missional work going on.
The Cubs, in the simplest of terms, are the best. B-E-S-T
Big concern.
One of the good things about the arrival of summer is that it seems soccer seasons (finally and relievingly) end all over the world. How grown adults can play for 90 minutes, have a score of 0-0, and end it all by goal kicks is beyond me. It’s like a baseball game ending with two pitchers on the mound seeing who can throw the most strikes in a row or a tie golf match ending with a putting contest. End the game playing the real game.