Here is what I know: (1) Reagan, Bush, and Bush pulled funding to any international NGO (non-government organization) clinics that provided access, through referrals, to abortions; (2) Clinton and now Obama have undone the Reagan-Bush-Bush decisions. (The pulling of support by the Repubs is called the Mexico City Policy or the “gag order.” The Dems…

We continue in our series of the meaning of the word “gospel” in the New Testament with how Peter uses “gospel.” Today we look 1 Peter 1:25. 22 Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart.  23 For you…

In our series on Bible readers, based on our book The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible , we have taken some brief looks at the bad habits or exaggerations in our reading of the Bible. I want to examine another bad habit: seeing the Bible primarily as a Lawbook. What happens when…

There was quite a dust-up about the prayers at the Inauguration. Analysis of the prayers of others is not something I’m fond of, so I stayed back but this week’s prayer in The Book of Common Prayer — to be repeated by all Anglicans and Episcopalians — speaks volumes about Bishop Gene Robinson’s inaugural prayer.…

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