Oh, oh … a confession: U.S. Sen. Roland Burris who repeatedly denied anyone tied to disgraced former Gov. Rod Blagojevich solicited him for cash in exchange for his seat, now acknowledges Blagojevich’s brother asked him three times to help with fundraising. In an affidavit Burris quietly filed nine days ago with the head of the…

I’ve been asked and given permission to publish this week a series of chapters from the new A Faith and Culture Devotional: Daily Readings on Art, Science, and Life . Contemporary Culture: Sex, Intimacy, and Worship By Bruce Herman, a painter and Lothl?rien Distinguished Chair in Fine Arts at Gordon College in Wenham, Mass., whose…

The Song of Solomon is a love song between lovers and for lovers. Perhaps it was a play or designed to be dramatically played before others. Perhaps it was designed for the king’s courtiers as entertainment. Perhaps it is a record of poems between two lovers. However we explain its original context, its rhetoric and…

Here in Chicago we have had some unseasonably warm weather. Makes me think baseball is … hey, it is. Pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training today! We are saddened to hear the news that Harold Hoehner has passed away. A wonderful man I always enjoyed seeing at annual academic meetings. Tyler Braun ponders what…

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