What about sex? In her study, Generation Me: Why Today’s Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled–and More Miserable Than Ever Before), Jean Twenge examines generational shifts about sexual activity and attitudes. What to do? What do you think really works in teaching sexual ethics? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the sexual liberation movement? How has this changed in pastoral ministry? In church contexts? In the late 1960s, women had sexual intercourse first at age 18; in the late 1990s that age number was 15. iGens are twice as likely to have had multiple sexual partners than Boomers at age 18. Part of this is the marrying age: in 1970, the average marrying age was 20.8; men was 23.2. It is now 24.5 and 27.2. 75% of iGens approve of sex before marriage. For women in the 1950s, 12% approved; today, it is about 80%. 88% of those who take abstinence pledges have sex before marriage; these teens wait an average of 1.5 yrs longer to have sex than those who do not take pledges. Even though many live together before marriage to make sure things will work out and not lead to divorce, the numbers reveal that those who live together have a higher chance for divorce than those who don’t. More than 11 million couples live together today (unmarried). From 1970 to 1990 that number increased 500% and from 1990 to 200 it increased 72%. Hooking up is the big issue today: casual, unattached sex. This is sex as recreation. A 2001 study discovered that 60% of high school juniors had sex with someone they considered no more than a friend. She discusses STDs and unwanted pregnancy as well.