We will begin this Friday and then next week two new conversations. One will be about Andrew Marin’s new book about homosexuality and the Church, called Love Is an Orientation: Elevating the Conversation With the Gay Community . And the second will be about Tom Wright’s new book, Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision .…

James 2:12-13 reads: “Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!” Sailors, so I’m told, use stars to guide them. The North Star has become the symbol of…

Over at the CT site called Her.meneutics, Kay Warren stirred some folks up about the distinction between humans and animals. Here is her decisive paragraph (and what do you think?): Please don’t misunderstand me: God put animals under the care of human beings, and we are responsible to treat them with love and kindness (Gen.…

I got this set of questions from a reader at the end of our series on “Our Collective Faith,” a series that discussed a book about heresies and how to avoid them. Here is the set of questions, and I’ve asked some theology friends to respond, but I’m game for anyone’s response: To what extent…

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