We come to the last argument James uses with the messianic community. It is wrong to exploit the poor because it is against Jesus’ teaching, because it is contrary to election, because it is stupid, and finally because there is a powerful religious argument. Here are the words from James 2:7: Are they not the…

A couple of months ago Peter Enns posted on his blog part one of a review and discussion of Kenton Sparks’ recent book God’s Word in Human Words (GWHW).  Although in writing part one Enns expressed hoped that part two would soon follow, that hope proved vain.  Two months of anticipation followed.  Yesterday however the…

The 11th chp of  Heresies and How to Avoid Them: Why It Matters What Christians Believe introduced me to a heresy I had never heard of: the heresy of the Free Spirit. The author of the chp is Denys Turner, a Roman Catholic professor at Yale. Christian perfection, so one Marguerite Porete (author of The…

A book we’ve been discussing about heresies brings to the surface how Christians have debated heresies and heretics. There is a subtle theme in this book that heresies can be discussed rationally, even when one believes deeply that a given view is contrary to Christian orthodoxy and potentially subversive to the gospel. At times, though,…

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