One of our most faithful readers and commenters, dopderbeck, blogs and this is from his site today:

In Missional Theology I, we were required to write  contemporary
paraphrase of the gleanings laws in Lev. 19:9-10 and Deut. 24: 19-22.
Here is mine:

Now when you develop ever more sophisticated global
communication networks that facilitate creativity and trade, when you
discover new medicines, when your lands produces the abundance
resulting from advanced farming and husbandry technologies and
genetically modified stock and seeds, when your study of the human
genome yields new insights about human health, when you create new
cultural and technological goods from the traditional and biological
resources of the South, you shall not seek all the rents available to
an efficient monopolist under a strong intellectual property regime;
you shall leave a portion of the rents to the poor, the orphan, the
widow, and the stranger. You shall permit the poor, the orphan, the
widow and the stranger to access your technologies and information on
equitable terms that promote their welfare and development. You shall
remember that you were once a developing country and the LORD brought
you freedom and abundance; therefore I am commanding you to do this

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