I’ve seen a phenomenon in the church. I think it happens often enough to just about anyone in the church, not just pastor’s spouses. What happens to our unity in Christ when politics are inserted into the relationship? Scenario 1: Two people who know each other in church are quite good friends in their “church…

From Time.com…. Think you should haggle only when buying a car or shopping in the streets of Morocco? In this recession, if you’re not bargaining for everything everywhere, you’re needlessly draining your wallet. According to the consulting firm America’s Research Group, in October, 56% of consumers said they had recently tried to negotiate at retail…

That opening sketch in Acts (1:1-11) is wide-ranging and cosmic in its theology. We return to earth with the next scene: the earliest followers of Jesus are gathered for prayer (1:12-14): Then the apostles returned to Jerusalem from the hill called the Mount of Olives, a Sabbath day’s walk from the city. When they arrived,…

Chapter 15 of Alister McGrath’s book A Fine-Tuned Universe: The Quest for God in Science and Theology is entitled “An Emergent Creation and Natural Theology.” This chapter presents some rather interesting ideas. First McGrath returns to Augustine – not to his cosmology or science, but to his view of God’s creative power.  According to Augustine…

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