From NYTimes… What do you think? HOUSTON — President Obama‘s plan to deliver a speech to public school students on Tuesday has set off a revolt among conservative parents, who have accused the president of trying to indoctrinate their children with socialist ideas and are asking school officials to excuse the children from listening.    The…

Pray for PeaceWork for Peace Kristie Berglund … beginning to blog … beginning all over again.Jordon Cooper‘s wise words about writing books. Dan Reid … ever the editor. Eugene on “what is a worshipper?” LL Barkat on serendipity ripples. John Frye on expectations and Jesus: Part one and two. Ed Gilbreath on President Obama’s upcoming…

I am very confident about the prospects of the new NIV (2011). I know those translators and know they are devout and they are accurate translators. I hope you are praying for them, and I hope you listen carefully to what Doug Moo, the chair of the Committee on Bible Translation, has said about philosophy. …

In John Walton’s (professor at Wheaton) new book, The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate, we have yet another proposition to discuss: Current debate about Intelligent Design ultimately concerns purpose. Walton thinks Genesis 1 is about theology, about design, about purpose, and about function. Everything about creation is about God’s…

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