We’ve got a problem in the Church today with Christian branding as a form of triumphalism, and it’s a charge made often enough about others and almost never about ourselves. I want to contend that it is an unhealthy influence of consumerism. (See the excellent book by Skye Jethani: The Divine Commodity: Discovering a Faith…

In John Walton’s (professor at Wheaton) new book, The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate, we have yet another proposition to discuss: God’s roles as creator and sustainer are less different than we have thought. Big point here. Practical deism sees creation as something God did, its laws now established…

From Christianity Today .… [Added: I’m confident, as I look over the CT piece now that it has been expanded, that the NIV Committee for Bible Translation will not squash the TNIV into history but will improve the NIV in light of gains from the TNIV.  I have every reason to think the new NIV…

A post rapture pet sitting service… (Warning: satire, about which I’ve said more than enough, but every now and then this kind of stuff can shed light…) What follows is a clip from a post, and you can follow the link at the beginning to the site itself:You’ve committed your life to Jesus. You know…

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