“Why does being bad feel so good?” Studies of brain response to various situations may provide important insights to this question. In the last post in this series we considered some of the science pertaining to lust, gluttony, and  sloth as discussed in the article “Seven Deadly Sins” in the September 2009 issue of Discover…

So, what about the gospel? Is there a Third Way for the gospel? Isn’t the traditional gospel the real gospel? Jim Belcher, in Deep Church: A Third Way Beyond Emerging and Traditional, poses this question by examining the gospel in Brian McLaren. Jim Belcher says the problem for the emerging criticism of tradition is that…

George Barna has used his research and his platform to speak into the health care reform debate, and I lift three quotes to solicit your response: In essence, what Americans seem to want is increased government services, more efficient delivery of services, no increase in taxes, and no personal involvement in the process. In a…

With Paul looming on the horizon, Philip moves further on and evangelizes another person outside the flock of God: an Ethiopian eunuch. No doubt, a Gentile and probably not a proselyte. No doubt, from the ends of the earth. No doubt, castrated, and eunuchs are unfit for the Temple and, therefore, they have a lower…

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