The third installment in a series by Michael Kruse about Christians and economics. I think many of us make remarks about economics on the basis of the Bible, but do we understand the economic theory at work in our statements or in our world? Do you know how to make a no. 2 pencil? If…

Amanda Berry Smith, a six foot African American woman who dressed like a Quaker, exemplifies how to live in the midst of racism and do so with boundary-breaking grace:  “In Amanda Berry Smith,” Chris Armstrong tells us, “we have someone who could easily have nursed anger and resentment against those who throughout her life put…

Recently we had a conversation about the pastor’s time schedule, and Jim Martin, a friend, posted a comment I thought deserved a separate post. So here it is… This is such an important concern. Working with a church can eat you alive without the kind of boundaries talked about in the above comments.  A couple…

Saul’s persecutions led to the scattering of the gospel agents who were caught up in the mission of God through Jesus Christ. One of those who were scattered was Philip (->). As is clear in Beverly Gaventa (The Acts of the Apostles (Abingdon New Testament Commentaries) ), Philip’s story is about encountering religious outsiders — read…

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