In light of Jim Belcher’s response to Doug Pagitt’s own proposal for “progressional dialogue,” I want to weigh in with what I suggest is my own proposal for a Third Way.  I have been in contact with a few persons who wanted to know what I thought about Belcher’s response to Pagitt so here goes… First…

The following words of Peter are boundary-breaking theology, and as we have said a number of times, we are using Beverly Gaventa’s fine commentary on Acts for our conversation partner (The Acts of the Apostles (Abingdon New Testament Commentaries) ). 10:34 Then Peter started speaking: “I now truly understand that God does not show favoritism in…

A “spam storm”: of a hundred comments an hour or more requires the catcha back on for a time. Bear with us and join the conversation. (Copy a long comment before posting, so you won’t lose the thought if the system times out or you type the captcha wrong.) This is the fourth in a…

Are there any new emerging proposals for what church is all about?  Jim Belcher, in Deep Church: A Third Way Beyond Emerging and Traditional examines the emerging criticisms of the traditional and the traditional criticisms of the emerging. The issue is this: how can the church become more “shepherding” in how church works? (As I…

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