You can get folks to roll their eyes just mentioning the Book of Revelation, and mostly they do this because of the utter silliness of so much that is said and believed about the book these days — and, yes, that is a comment about the left behind series and similar observations. The Book of…

From…  In the age of hookups, friends with benefits and online dating, and as human life expectancy grows, is it still reasonable to expect people to pair up and stay monogamous until death do them part?   “It’s realistic that some people can mate for life in the same sense that some people can play…

Once again, the mission of the church, the mission of Paul and the mission of Christians today is the mission of God — the Book of Acts records for us the works/acts of God in this world through the earliest followers of Jesus. One of whom was Saul, who is now on record as Paul…

Today I’m departing some from offering basic economic concepts and interjecting a sociological element into our discussion.  There is considerable energy to today around the idea that Christians need to resist impersonal capitalism and Western individualism. The most common characterization of relationships in the church in the New Testament is family so the conclusion is…

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