Chicago’s Fall Weather
I will be at Ashland Theological Seminary Monday and Tuesday giving four lectures on “The Battle for the Gospel.”
Talking about pictures, wow, have you seen this one?
What kind of twitterer are you? (HT: TT)
Why aren’t 20somethings in church? Take a look at Amanda Munroe’s essay “Labels.”
A new blog worth perusing: Journeys of a Restless Pilgrim.
A potent piece of rhetoric, in a review by Joseph Loconte, but in need of some theology and Bible: “The central lesson of Faber’s chronicle, the truth neglected today by many liberals and conservatives alike, is especially pertinent: that a political regime can become irretrievably wicked, and that accommodating such a regime only feeds its rapacious and murderous ambitions. “Our enemies are small worms,” Hitler told his generals in the summer of 1939. “I saw them at Munich.”
Major study on shifts for women in culture and economy.
Major decision in Vatican to admit Anglicans within the Catholic Church.
Major suggestions on how to increase your blog traffic by L.L. Barkat.
Is FaceBook history? What’s next? In my view: FB combines most of what all of us do in communicating with one another electronically. To the degree that it can keep up with what we do and want to do, it will remain. The question here is this: Is there anything we need in electronic communication that FB can’t do?
Dale T. Irvin, in the International Bulletin of Missionary Research, in an excellent piece on the city and how missions has been classically connected to place and space and territory: “Our thinking about ministry and mission must become more conversant with deterritorialized and reterritorialized forms of Christian expression.”
1. Rape in Congo, and Lynne Hybels is working on the problem.
2. Bono: “These new steps — and those 36 words — remind the world that America is not just a country but an idea, a great idea about opportunity for all and responsibility to your fellow man.” And… “Americans are like singers — we just a little bit, kind of like to be loved. The British want to be admired; the Russians, feared; the French, envied. (The Irish, we just want to be listened to.) But the idea of America, from the very start, was supposed to be contagious enough to sweep up and enthrall the world.”
3. Forgiveness as a national policy … As We Forgive review with Frederica. (The book was exceptional.)
4. What’s coming in technology.
5. Patrik Jonsson: “Louisiana justice of the peace Keith Bardwell’s refused to marry a white woman and a black man reportedly because he believed that children of an interracial marriage would suffer socially. That view was once common in the United States, and might have had some basis decades ago when such marriages were taboo and multiracial families were sometimes ostracized. But today, not only are mixed-race children widely accepted but some research suggests they might even have some social advantages.” I don’t know why there wasn’t a public outcry over this judge’s decision.
6. Have you seen the Fall colors in New England?
7. The war on terrorism, the Taliban, and opium trade … we need more reports like this.
8. Discovery of an ancient amphitheater near Ostia antica.
Everybody say a prayer for the baseball team to the left …
The Minnesota Vikings are winning too many games too soon too easily. It concerns me. The Bears are not scoring when they are in the Red Zone. That concerns me. But baseball remains so much superior of a sport.
Faye Vincent, former Commish on the umpire problem: “To attract the kind of young people any business would want, Major League Baseball should establish a thoroughly professional training system for umpires — and ensure that every official it hires is up to the job.”