I’d like to suggest that Amazon and Ebay manifest a doctrine, and it’s a variation on the Protestant doctrine of the priesthood of all believers. I call this Amazon- and Ebay-based doctrine the “priesthood of all consumers.” There was a day when bookstore dealers sold books,  Clothing stores sold clothes, Jewelers sold jewelry, and sports…

The cycle continues but this time with a new twist in Lystra — Paul’s miracles evoke an attempt to worship him and Barnabas, a stock response in the ancient world (see Beverly Gaventa’s The Acts of the Apostles (Abingdon New Testament Commentaries) ): 14:8 In Lystra sat a man who could not use his feet, lame…

Today I begin a series of posts looking at Harvey Cox’s new book The Future of Faith. We’ll see how long it goes – at least a couple of weeks. Cox is the Hollis Professor of Divinity emeritus at Harvard and is best known for his 1965 book The Secular City.  I first became familiar…

Manfred Brauch, now retired from many years of teaching at Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary (now Palmer), calls us to a more serious approach to Scripture in order to end the all-too-common abuse of Scripture.  Scripture is used for everything by everyone … what I mean is that everyone thinks the Bible is on their side.…

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