NTWright.jpgThis is our first post in a new series on Tom Wright’s newest book, and today I want to settle on his central question and his central answer. 

The central question Tom Wright asks in his new book, a book that belongs with Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense
and Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church
, is this question: What are we here for (after we believe)?  That is, what is life for between faith and heaven?
How would you answer these questions? Do you agree with Wright’s answer?
This question is the subject of his new book: After You Believe: Why Christian Character Matters
There are two basic options for constructing a moral life, and Wright proposes a third. 
Option one: follow the rules. 
Option two: discover yourself. 
Option three: transformation of character.
The thesis of the book, then, is the development of virtue that forms a person into genuine transformed, Christian character.
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