This post is from Michael Kruse, and contains one of the more insightful set of observations I’ve seen about the selective appeal to emergence theory.  Here are Michael’s questions for us: So first off, is my assessment fair? If so, why don’t we find many emerging-economy libertarian types among the emerging church fold? Why do we…

When I was at Synergy conference in Orlando, I gave a plenary address and chose a tricky topic. Kris said “Why?” and then said “Be careful.” My answers, “Because it’s in Paul” and “I will, real careful.” And I tried. And I think it worked.  But first: great to meet Carolyn James and her husband…

Gilbert Meilaender, in a well-known essay originally published in First Things, explored the classical issues surrounding an issue that emerged yesterday in our reposting of Carolyn Custis James’ post. The issue is this: Can a married man be a serious “friend” with a woman who is not his wife? And, alternatively, can a married women…

We started a discussion Tuesday centered on David Livingstone’s book Adam’s Ancestors. This is a fascinating look at the history of the development of ideas about Adam and the context within which they arose. It is only indirectly a look at the theological implications of Adam as the first man and progenitor of the human…

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