Corbett, Steve and Brian Fikkert. When Helping Hurts: Alleviating Poverty Without Hurting the Poor. . .and Ourselves . Chicago: Moody, 2009. Steve Corbett is the community development specialist for the Chalmers Center for Economic Development, and an assistant professor in the department of economics and community development at Covenant College. Brian Fikkert is an associate…

Kris and I will be in Florida this next week on Spring Break, visiting with Lukas and Annika and Aksel. But today we are in Orlando speaking at Synergy’s event. I will be talking about how Paul saw himself in “motherly” terms. My brother-in-law, Pete Norman, was one awesome coach and is already in the…

MOVIE REVIEW: “The Book Of Eli”  by Jeremy Berg <Envelope Please> “And the winner for the grayest, grimmest, most violent post-apocalyptic thriller of 2010 involving the Bible goes to…..The Book of Eli starring Denzel Washington.” <Applause>  This movie is not for the light-hearted or weak-stomached.  This movie paints a very dark picture of humanity in…

At the end of month most of us take a good look at our checkbook or our bank accounts to see if we made it. Most of us, when we want something to eat, go to the refrigerator or the pantry and grab something. When we want something special, we go to a favorite restaurant.…

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