Tom Long, well-known American Presbyterian preacher and professor, decided more than a decade ago that it was time to do a state of the art book on the Christian funeral. “What I did not anticipate discovering,” he confesses, “that the reigning understanding of the ‘state of the art’ funeral, which I shared along with many…

I met Ron Highfield in an airport after we had both attended a conference in Cincinnati. Ron is a theologian at Pepperdine, and I will get to speak at Pepperdine this week. But Ron has a good, a very good book, about God called Great Is the Lord: Theology for the Praise of God .…

A longish, I admit, clip from First Things: The principal source of my melancholy, however, is my firm conviction that today’s most obstreperous infidels lack the courage, moral intelligence, and thoughtfulness of their forefathers in faithlessness. What I find chiefly offensive about them is not that they are skeptics or atheists; rather, it is that…

I’ve experienced sin, and I’ve read the lives of sinners talking about their sins, and I’ve read Genesis 3’s beautiful account and I’ve read the prodigal son’s sins, but I don’t think there is anything in the Bible that plumbs the depth of rebellion like Psalm 10:3-11. Here’s what the faithless person looks like, with…

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