The language of defeat is prominent in Psalm 18:35-45 (see after the jump), so prominent it might offend. David, or whoever this might be, exults in the defeat of his enemies and he looks to God for that victory. In fact, the whole is framed through looking to God for that victory: “You have given…

James Emery White thinks evangelicalism is teetering over a precipice. Or, put in his words about the evangelical world he once knew, “that era of evangelical faith in America is now gone.” Perhaps that is fine, he adds. What he fears is that the “heart of evangelicalism itself is fading. And fading fast” (17). He…

Ed Stetzer, an astute observer of American Christianity, has a piece in CT about denominations. Many denominational leaders today are worried about clear trends; I’m asked about the issue often and I do see denominational loyalty on the decline… but I’m a pragmatist about this: we are natural organizers; organized groups tend to get more…

Carolyn Arends gets it right in her piece at CT: The story of Christianity ultimately leaves me shocked at the risks God takes with humans. Even the greatest lights in church history were dishearteningly imperfect. For all his heroism, Luther attacked the Jewish faith so polemically the Nazis later misappropriated his writings for their anti-Semitic…

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