This is an incredible series being offered to us by Matt Edwards: a nine part summary and response to Douglas Campbell’s mega-book, The Deliverance of God: An Apocalyptic Rereading of Justification in Paul . Thanks to Matt Edwards. The Deliverance of God 5–The Injustice of God in Justification Theory We are evaluating Douglas Campbell’s rereading…

Benefactor in the Evening at the Table We tell our friends that our favorite “place” in Italy is “evening.” It doesn’t make sense except to us so we explain ourselves. Our favorite place is evening because at evening we enjoy dinner together, often outdoors in the gentle evening breezes, we dine on nice Italian food…

Augustine’s famous opening lines in his The Confessions (Everyman’s Library) says something like this: You [God] have made us for yourself and we are restless until we find ourselves in You. One way of putting this is that humans are hardwired for God. In What Americans Really Believe the authors examine this question and wonder…

Michael Kruse brought an article to my attention a few weeks ago by Debora MacKenzie in New Scientist entitled Living in Denial: Why sensible people reject the truth. This article is part of a series of articles discussing the issues regarding truth and perception of truth: Special report: Living in denial (you may need a…

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