What percent of Americans, according to the best and most recent statistics (both GSS and Baylor’s study are nearly the same here), are “spiritual but not religious”? And what is a profile of the “spiritual but not religious” person? (Fascinating.) Again, I’m using What Americans Really Believe . Here are their numbers:  Spiritual but not…

Marilynne Robinson is best known as a novelist for Gilead, Housekeeping, and Home. Her most recent book, Absence of Mind: The Dispelling of Inwardness from the Modern Myth of the Self, takes a stab at something different – but not something new – the question of the Human Mind and the importance of experience. This…

Doing Good: Jesus the Benefactor              We might connect “benefactors” with those who give big wads of money to schools and churches, or who donate sums of wealth to honorable building projects in the city, or who open up the checkbook to establish a non-profit that enables immigrants to earn sufficient…

From CNN.com’s report about Rowan Williams, the American Episcopal Church’s decision to ordain a bishop who is lesbian, and the problems this creates among the worldwide Anglican communion. Should you be interested in an excellent biography of Rowan Williams, I recommend Rupert Shortt: Rowan’s Rule: The Biography of the Archbishop of Canterbury . Rifts within…

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