Tomorrow is a day of worship, so I’m posting this today… I’m scanning the blogs that are interlinked about the incongruity of followers of Jesus celebrating July 4th, and especially doing so in a church, on a Sunday. I’m seeing a clear trend: it’s wrong, they say, to celebrate America’s independence in a church context.…

The lightning at the Acropolis will wake up some dead philosopher-kings. A big heart-felt thanks to Cathleen Falsani for this wondrous story. An important new blog, Transpositions, on theology and art — give it some reads. Don Johnson’s proposed list of new seminary courses. Karen’s new idea … running for governor. David Fitch posts a…

Interesting question. I’d say “No.” I’d “label” him as orthodox, Protestant, German, Lutheran, Pietist. The evangelical movement is more or less the Reformed side of the Reformation than the Lutheran side. (Though the German Lutherans themselves call themselves “evangelisch” in German.) What about you? Would you say Bonhoeffer is an evangelical? Added question: If Bonhoeffer…

I’ve been listening to Josh Fox’s new album, Radiant, and especially to track 2: Mighty is Our God. It puts into music and lyrics the essence of Psalm 19. (iTunes link.) The song begins with an almost Robin Mark-beat and then soars into the sort of praise we find in Psalm 19 — straightforward praise…

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