From Patheos by Hugh Hewitt: National Catholic Reporter’s long-time Vatican correspondent, John Allen, in his recently published The Future Church: How Ten Trends Are Revolutionizing the Catholic Church, points to the rise of evangelical Catholicism. “The defining features of evangelical Catholicism are,” Allen summarizes, “a clear embrace of traditional Catholic thought, speech, and practice, the usual word for which…

Been to Chicago’s Bean? ANNOUNCEMENT: The Jesus Creed blog will be moving Sept 1 to Patheos. Stay tuned for more information and exact URL. Here is a great example of how Patheos is creating intelligent conversations about issues that matter to those of faith. Wonderful letter to Anne Rice from Karen. We are all fundamentalists…

The parables of Jesus summon us to the edge of the world in order to imagine a world that can only be called “kingdom.”  In this world we have stereotypes, like the Pharisee and the tax collector (Luke 18:9-14, after the jump). In this imagined stereotyped world the Pharisee is self-righteous, hypocritical, unloving, and conscious…

We’re discussing how we build our knowledge of God, our theology, and using Wesley’s Quadrilateral (Scripture, Tradition, Reason and Experience) as an outline for our discussion.  Again, this whole topic was spurred by the argument made by Al Mohler and others that theism, the idea that God is active in the world, is at stake in…

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