Dinesh D’Souza, a Roman Catholic (or is he?), is now President of an evangelical Bible college in NYC: King’s College. Here are his comments from Sarah Pulliam Bailey’s article at CT: “I’m quite happy to acknowledge my Catholic background; at the same time, I’m very comfortable with Reformation theology,” D’Souza told Christianity Today. “I’m comfortable with…

 Kenda Dean’s new book is called Almost Christian: What the Faith of Our Teenagers is Telling the American Church , and I will be blogging my way through it. Her fundamental insight is back-logic: we can infer from the condition of our youth’s faith to the faith of their parents and contexts. What do we learn…

Is a place like Iona, the famous island off the coast of Scotland where Columba set up a monastic community, holy? Do you think some places — as places — are “thin” places? What is a holy place? How is a place holy? In his wonderfully written book, In Search of Sacred Places: Looking for…

I will be posting this a few times, but just to begin the notification process now. We will be blogging right here at Beliefnet through August 31 but on September 1 we will be at our new site. Please point your link toward the new address at Patheos, which you can visit now:  http://www.patheos.com/community/jesuscreed/ And…

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