Europe.jpgI tweeted this two days ago: I’m embarrassed at how American Christians talk about “Europe.” Embarrassing. That tweet then appeared on my FB account and drew a conversation — some 74 comments. I appreciate the zeal of these folks; I appreciate their love for the USA; I appreciate, too, their courage to express their mind. But…

Why are Americans drawn to use the words “Europe” and “European” derisively? Why do they want to use the word “European” and mean “socialism”? [Do you know what the word “socialism” means?] Have these people been to Europe? More, have they lived there? Are they relying on FoxNews for their stereotype or do they know what it is really like to be there?
On happiness scales, Europe does well. Yes, their taxes are much higher than ours. But… but … but …
The big question: How should American Christians speak about Europe? How should they speak about European Christians? Here are a few comments that illustrate for me the problem:
Scot, why are you embarrassed? I spent the first 20 years of my life in Europe…it’s a horrible place to live and raise a family…a place where Statism is the religion of the day and the population lives to serve the whim of government.

On the post by Stephen Holmes about “biblical” family, here was one comment. 

But what should we expect from European Christianity anyway…..sheesh!

Of course, it’s more than appropriate to disagree with the economic policies and theories of European countries. Yes, those countries have higher taxes and they have more governmental intrusions in the economic life of an individual. Yes, disagree with that. But the issue here is our character coming through when we speak.
I’m concerned about is how we are talking about Europe. Isn’t a Christian to follow the words of the Apostle Paul as much as possible?

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things (Phil. 4:8).

Might I suggest that we begin right there: What’s good about Europe ought to proceed the negative.

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