I want to post two answers Rob Bell gave to the Boston Globe where he defines evangelical. Tomorrow I want to discuss something about a trend I’ve observed about the word “evangelical.” What do you think of his definition? Q. What does it mean to you to be an evangelical? A. [Rob Bell] I take issue with…

The space may be land-locked, but Parkcrest Christian Church is growing and expanding all ways: spiritually, geographically, and numerically. Led by Mike Goldsworthy, one of the younger megachurch pastors in the USA, Parkcrest reaches into the neighborhoods and into the lives of folks in Long Beach. I was thrilled with the salt of the earth…

Nightline is doing a series on the Ten Commandments. The first show, which was last Thursday, was about adultery, the Seventh Commandment.  We think Jesus shifted the focus of the 7th Commandment to the violation of love and made fidelity radical and essentially relational. What do you think? The Seventh Commandment is as simple as…

When I was a kid, my great aunt came every Christmas, and one gift she always gave us was fruitcake. That fruitcake, even when I muster up my fondest of moments, was dry, tasteless, and — well, awful. In those days, fruitcake, for some unforgivable reason, had become the default gift. A default gift is…

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