James Davison Hunter, in his new book, (To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World ), contends that the Christian Right, the Christian Left and the Neo-Anabaptists are dwelling in an illusion that their approach can change culture. His accusation is severe; his rhetoric is pleasant, but…

This is hard to believe, from Christianity Today: Fox News commentator Glenn Beck will deliver the commencement address at Liberty University’s May 15 graduation. “Beck is one of the few courageous voices in the national media standing up for the principles upon which this nation was founded,” Jerry Falwell Jr., chancellor of Liberty University, said…

I’m behind when it comes to recording thoughts on speaking engagements, so I want to return to  the fantastic time I had at the National Student Leadership Conference at Taylor. I was in a group of speakers, including Skye Jethani and JR Briggs and Heather Larsen and I’m sure there were others.  It was an…

When I posted last week about Jennifer Knapp’s decision to come out and openly tell folks, on a place like Christianity Today, my one and only concern was what folks would say about her. I feared the wrath that would come her way. I did my best to avoid deleting comments and being busy that…

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