Scot linked to an article earlier this year: Obama moves to separate politics and science.  When Scot brought this up (see here) he emphasized and directed conversation toward the issue of stem cell research – clearly an important issue and one well worth discussion.  The CNN article, and the changes introduced by the Obama administration,…

Every discussion about homosexuality is fraught with a singular challenge. It is the challenge of civility. I believe civility is the Third Way in this moral debate. On this blog last week we published “A Letter” and then Andrew Marin, a Christian friend and advocate for Christian civility, posted a response (we will be posting…

A critical statement made by our President, Barack Obama, is worth conversation today. Afghanistan under Karzai has recently made shifts toward more sharia law, and the implications for women are nothing short of enormous. I’m glad Obama speaks out here but this conflict of local culture (Islam, Afghanistan) and the gravity of human rights (freedom)…

C.S. Lewis famously argued that morals need God, that one cannot have universal morals without a divine foundation for those morals. That is, apart from belief in God it is hard to maintain belief in morals. The question Lewis provokes for some is this: Are there cultures where folks are both demonstrably moral and irreligious.…

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