Primitivism is the subject of Alan Jacobs’ fine study on the New Worlds that emerged in some folks’ heads in the 18th Century (in Original Sin). In essence, we ask today just how innocent children are. There’s a noble, yea perhaps ignoble, history at work in this idea of primitivism.

The second case study in LeRon Shults’s book Christology and Sciencedeals with atonement and cultural anthropology – a topic if anything more controversial than incarnation and evolutionary biology. How should we articulate an understanding of the atonement appropriate for our day and age – and what role (if any) should studies of human nature, human…

I don’t like the image, but there’s something to it: Humans are groping in the dark, they reach out, touch an elephant, and report their findings. Some liken this image to how humans understand God and how much they know about God. In the optimistic views of this sketch, each report tells us something true…

As a working scientist, a professor, and a Christian, the coherence between scientific understanding and theological understanding is a subject of great interest. Most of the books dealing with the conflict between science and faith or reason and faith are limited in scope and confined to description of the world and concordance between scripture and…

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