Jesus Creed

Because he supports abortion rights, a view in conflict with Roman Catholic teaching, Patrick Kennedy is now being banned from taking communion. What is your take on this? Do you believe in such “church discipline”? Will this complicate other parishes? (Anyone know?) Washington (CNN) — Rhode Island’s top Roman Catholic leader has asked Rep. Patrick Kennedy…

The ecclesiological shift is found in the church renewing its missional identity in practice as well as in theory. Moving from merely a sending church that sends a few professional missionaries to a imaginatively exploring and living as a sent people who live out mission daily. The West is growing more and more Post-Christian which may sound like all bad…

We come in the Book of Acts to Paul’s sailing across the Aegean to Greece, where he sets up missional shop in Philippi, and we found a picture from a 6th Century church there. Anyway, because they knew that synagogues are near living/running water, they went to the river in the hope of finding a…

I know many folks are into this new-fangled “find your tribe” stuff, but it deeply concerns me. It is postmodern; it denies the “communion of the saints” and it’s yet another one of those “church growth” theories that prevents genuine integration and creates potential racial, gender, and theological divisions — not to mention the economic…

Simply put, the problem with the Book of Job is that it is too long for most folks, too long for most preachers to preach all the way through, and too long for Bible study groups. (I’m not excusing our reading of it; I’m trying to explain the reality that the only place folks get…

Every Bible reader, especially every teacher and pastor, needs a solid Bible encyclopedia that does its best to tell us what we need to know about history and theology and archaeology as well as sketch each book of the Bible. Some today entrust their minds to Wikipedia, which is a mixed bag of excellence and,…

I’m very excited (as the General Editor) of our new commentary series (Regula Fidei Commentaries) that will focus on explaining the New Testament books in the context of the Bible’s Story and discerning how to “live the Story” in our world today … We have an excellent team of editors (with Lynn Cohick, Joel Willitts…

Nicholas Kristof, in a brilliant story about Tererai Trent, reminds us of what we can do through the simple gifts of charity to parts of the world where both money and opportunity are scarce beyond our comprehension. This is the first post in a series we will do about orphans, and when we are done…

Almighty and everlasting God, whose will it is to restore all things in your well-beloved Son, the King of kings and Lord of lords: Mercifully grant that the peoples of the earth, divided and enslaved by sin, may be freed and brought together under his most gracious rule; who lives and reigns with you and…

We will soon begin Saturday Afternoon Book Reviews, a new section at the Jesus Creed blog where we will have 3000 word reviews (1500 word summary; 1500 word interaction). Most of these will be written by you or by solicited reviewers. So, today I put forth this request: Which books would you like to see…

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