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Jesus Creed
Jesus Creed
Worthy of Imitation 5
Scot McKnight
Just who is in your list of “saints”? One could pull out a list of those who have been officially “sainted” (examined, beatified and canonized on the basis of exemplary virtue and miracles and intercessory powers) in the Roman Catholic tradition. Or, one could list those who have not been officially sainted but who are…
Occupations: by PW
Scot McKnight
While PW, our guest blogger who is a “pastor’s wife,” alludes to the reality that some in the younger generation don’t have a problem here, the reality in the wider church is much different. She talks here about the pastor’s spouse’s occupation, and this one mostly concerns a spouse who is a wife. (Right?) Here’s…
Acts and Mission 26
Scot McKnight
The mission of God focuses on Jesus Christ, God’s Son and now Lord over death as a result of the resurrection and ascension. Attempts to snuff out this fledgling movement fail, and this has been seen both in attempts to imprison and in attempts to silence. But within the new work of God through God’s…
Evolution’s Place? 5 (RJS)
Jesus Creed Admin
Several weeks ago we began a series looking at Simon Conway Morris’s book Life’s Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe. After a brief hiatus I will come back to this book with two final posts; today a discussion of the force of his argument from convergence (Ch. 6-10, pp. 106-310), and in the next…
Deep Church as Third Way 3
Scot McKnight
How do we find a “third way” when it comes to theology? Doesn’t it seem that we always trip over one another on theology? I am so glad and happy with how Jim Belcher approaches theology, speaking as many of us do of “mere Christianity,” in his new and important book: Deep Church: A Third Way…
Worthy of Imitation 4
Scot McKnight
I had not heard of Margery Kempe until I read about her in Chris Armstrong’s new book, Patron Saints for Postmoderns: Ten from the Past Who Speak to Our Future , and I’m still wondering about her. Here’s a brief on her: For six hundred years her story, which had been told to folks and…
Acts and Mission 25
Scot McKnight
The question to ask when we read the Book of Acts is not so much “What do we learn about mission?” but “What is God doing in God’s mission?” The second question’s answer leads to an answer for the first question. Perhaps no passage is clearer in this regard than Acts 5:33-46: 5:33 Now when they…
Translation Tribalism 3
Scot McKnight
We began a series, which will have new posts sporadically rather than consistently, not long ago about Translation and the tribalism that we now experience with translations. One of our points is that the authoritative text is not the translation but the original languages. (This is not denying the authority of God or the Holy…
Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Life Together 4
Scot McKnight
I consider Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Life Together one of the most important theological works in the 20th Century. There is in this brief encounter with Bonhoeffer’s ideas a swelling gloom of Nazism, a palpable blur of what is to come, and an insight into how the Church is to conduct itself that makes the book a…
The Indelible Image
Scot McKnight
Ben Witherington III, another Beliefnet blogger and who writes more books than most people read in a lifetime, has put his mind to a big project and volume one is now out: The Indelible Image: The Theological and Ethical World of the New Testament, Vol. 1: The Individual Witnesses . It is a two-volume work…
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