Jesus Creed

The Baylor Survey of Religion studied religious experience ( Rodney Stark, What Americans Really Believe. Almost scorned by theologians and professors and routinely ignored by research into religions, The Baylor Study found that 2 of 3 respondents reported having at least one religious experience and 45% said they had two or more such experiences. Yes, the question…

From USAToday… For the sake of argument, let us set aside questions about the truth of religion vs. the truth of science. Suppose there is no such thing as religious truth, as Richard Dawkins argued in The God Delusion. Allow that the “New Atheist Noise Machine,” as American University communications professor Matt Nisbet calls it, has a privileged grasp of…

I’m teaming up with Mel Lawrenz and the worship staff at Elmbrook for a one-day event that seeks to connect preaching ministry with worship ministry. It’s an all-day event on June 29 at Elmbrook near Milwaukee. My focus will be the study habits of pastors and then a sermon on James, Mel will speak about…

From Patheos… an interview with Rodney Stark. Some progressives say that evangelicals are making the same mistake on the opposite side, by confusing their faith with conservative politics. What happens with “progressives” is that they cannot get any traction amongst evangelicals. Their audience, or their intended audience, is largely among the “mainline” congregations and the…

We are plodding along through the Psalms, and we call this our “common prayerbook” but it is the one prayerbook that unites all Christians. Furthermore, the Psalms aren’t here simply so we can figure out the inner heart of David when he was King, but they are here because these were the prayers of Israel…

We are looking at the recent book by Elaine Howard Ecklund Science vs Religion: What Scientists Really Think. The earlier installments are here: first, second, and third. The book relates various ideas about science and religion that emerged from her interviews with 275 scientists in seven departments (Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Psychology, Sociology, Economics, and Political…

How can we talk about God? Seriously, the vastness and immensity and infinity of God beggar description and tax human language to the limit, so taxing in fact that we must admit the limitations of all God-talk. This is the topic taken up by  Ron Highfield in chp 5 of his excellent book, Great Is the…

Sarah Pulliam Bailey, a fine journalist at CT, writes about “Lost” in WSJ.  How do you explain the phenomenon? What do you think is the point? Here’s an excerpt with her thesis tucked in…  ‘Lost’ Devotees Need a Little Faith By SARAH PULLIAM BAILEY In the beginning, “Lost” was simple. A plane crashed on a Pacific…

Let’s call them “Car” and “Blue” and “Window”. Which do you like the most?  Here’s the promo piece from Zondervan: In One.Life, Scot McKnight offers a manifesto of Christian faith that beckons readers out of the rut of religious rituals to the high places of Christian living. What does it look like to follow Jesus?…

Psalm 17 describes in metaphorical flourishes the psalmist’s enemies.  But before David, or whoever the psalmist was, describes them, he calls on God to act. Then he describes the nastiness of his enemies; then he pleads with God to be nasty toward the enemies. Plea, enemies, plea — that’s his order. I’m inclined to want…

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