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Jesus Creed
Jesus Creed
What is the gospel? A Story
xscot mcknight
In resuming our discussion of what the gospel is, I thought I’d record how my own mind has developed on the meaning of the gospel. First, my childhood gospel was a personal forgiveness for eternity gospel. I was taught by parents and pastors and Sunday School teachers that I was a sinner, that I would…
Lake Wobegon’s Vikings
xscot mcknight
That football game between the Bears and the Minnesota Vikings, a true purple team… how do you describe what is going on with the Vikings, both on and off the field? (I’d rather they wear advertisements.) Like Saul, they began well, but (also like Saul) they fell apart.
The Society for Simple Sports
xscot mcknight
The Amish and Old order Mennonites are known for their simple clothing and their simple homes and their simple life-style. Professional athletes need to learn from them. Why? I saw it again last weekend when John Daly was battling Tiger Woods down the stretch, and I see it whenever (which is rare) I see someone…
Blogs of the Week
xscot mcknight
Maybe one of the best weeks ever for me in reading other blogs. (It didn’t hurt that I got my book on prayer done and feel less pressured to keep grinding away.) 1. I want to suggest you look at Karen Spears Zacharias blogsite. She is the author of Hero Mama, which is featured a…
What is the gospel? 5
xscot mcknight
This last post this week on “what is the gospel?” will look at the gospel as God’s work in the world for us vs. the gospel as what God has done for me. The latter I will call hyper-individualism, because that is exactly what it is. It operates, to borrow an image from Donald Miller’s…
Churches and the Jesus Creed
xscot mcknight
For Pastors and churches that used the Jesus Creed for a Bible study or more in your church. (This announcement is not for individuals who used this, but for churches.) If you would like to be in the “Pastor’s Circle” for my forthcoming books, please send the following to
[email protected]
: Name Church’s name or Organization’s…
The Mentored Life 2
xscot mcknight
Summary of Chapter Two Houston begins his argument for a return to the “mentored life” by examining the “Heroic Myth of Odysseus.” In this myth, Houston suggests we see all the characteristics of individualism and narcissism that stand as obstacles to the mentored life. Just as Odysseus was required to overcome the hardships and challenges…
What is the gospel? 4
xscot mcknight
I’ve been asked this enough times that I’ll turn it into a post on its own — if the gospel is what I am claiming it is, then how does one evangelize? And I’ve been asked this one several times already, and Embracing Grace isn’t even out of the chute, what are the down-in-the-dirt type…
Book Launch in Seattle
xscot mcknight
Kris and I will be in Seattle Nov 4-6 for the launch of Embracing Grace. We’ll get in late Thurs night and be there Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, at about noon, we’ll be at Mercer Island Covenant for the launch (and luncheon), and on Sunday I’ll be preaching at Mercer Island Covenant. There…
What is the gospel? 3
xscot mcknight
This is as good a spot as any to say something about Tom Wright’s view of the gospel, and I’ll take this from his fine small book, What Saint Paul Really Said. First, Tom trots out how “gospel” is understood in modern contexts. “… a description of how people get saved; of the theological mechanism…
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