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Jesus Creed
Jesus Creed
Boom Goes the Dynamite!
xscot mcknight
If you’ve never seen this hilarious clip of Brian Collins suddenly finding himself incapable of presenting the news while he was learning to do the news at Ball State University’s TV station, you’ll love it.
xscot mcknight
I have seen the title Freakonomics mentioned, haven’t looked at it all, but Fr. Rob Merola, of St. Matthew’s in Sterling Virginia, has pointed me to a link that is worth reading and discussing. It is by columnist named Orson Scott Card (a writer’s name if there ever was one), and among other items it…
Doctrinal Statements and the Emerging Movement 5
xscot mcknight
So far we have looked at the first three “articles” of Emergent Village. Today I’ll take a look at the fourth, and then tomorrow, after looking at the “actions” section at the end of Emergent Village’s charter, make some suggestions about how a statement of orthopraxy might help our up front statements. This fourth article…
Those Embarrassing Yankees
xscot mcknight
Randy Johnson, who throws fire at the plate, threw cool fire tonight. The Angels were getting hits on high fastballs, and the Yankee fans were booing. Cub fans would be glad to be there and would support their pitchers. Another reason why the Yankees aren’t on the poll.
Doctrinal Statements and the Emerging Movement 4
xscot mcknight
In this series on whether or not it is wise for local churches to cobble together a doctrinal statement on the basis of creeds and confessions, we have also been looking at how Emergent Village has fashioned a “belong to us” statement that is both theological affirmation and praxis exhortation all at the same time.…
Jesus and His Death arrives
xscot mcknight
I got my first copy of Jesus and His Death today from Baylor University Press. I thank its fine editorial folk, Carey Newman and Diane Smith, for their exceptional work. It is hard for me to compare editorial staffs, but there can’t be any that are more precise than Baylor’s. I dedicated Jesus and His…
Doctrinal Statements and the Emerging Movement 3
xscot mcknight
Notice the second “affirmation” of Emergent Village: 2. Commitment to the Church in all its Forms: We are committed to honor and serve the church in all its forms – Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Protestant, Pentecostal. We practice “deep ecclesiology†– rather than favoring some forms of the church and critiquing or rejecting others, we see…
Emerging Movement and the Saints
xscot mcknight
You’ve perhaps already read, but in the case that you haven’t, it is worth looking at CT’s piece by Chris Armstrong on how the saints can be of use to what he calls the Emergents. Chris has a blog on “dead Christians.” HT: Horace Jeffery Hodges.
Doctrinal Statements and the Emerging Movement 2
xscot mcknight
It’s been a long day. I got up early, went to a prayer meeting with some wonderful pastors and leaders, had a breakfast, spoke my heart out to these same pastors and leaders, had lunch, two hours of driving and then a flight back to Chicago from Omaha. Had a great time, but am committed…
Doctrinal Statements and the Emerging Movement
xscot mcknight
I’ve done this more than most. When I see a church with no denominational affilation (say, the Rock of Wonders Community of Jesus Christ now dwelling at this corner), I wonder “what do they believe?” When I see a Lutheran Church, I think to myself: the Lutheran dialectic of Law and gospel, etc.. When I…
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