Jesus Creed

It is only 2005 and I am willing to stick my neck out and announce the best book on Scripture for the new century. Kevin Vanhoozer, The Drama of Doctrine, has captured the modern discussions about propositionalist, expressivist, and the cultural-linguistic models of Scripture and community and tradition, and has deftly tied them into a…

Just in case you haven’t heard what Pat Robertson said, or want to read a nice aggregation of responses, see this site at CT. HT: Bob Robinson. The issue for me is not whether he apologized or not (and his newest allusions to Bonhoeffer are more rationalization than apology), but what could be in Robertson…

Choosing a college for a young man who grew up among fundamentalist Baptists, who had preachers come through annually to tell us that the Rapture would occur any day now and why it will end by 1973, was not an easy thing. I was an athlete who had a chance at a track scholarship until…

There is no reason here to get involved in all the discussions that linguists and translation theorists get into today. Here are some thoughts we need to consider when we talk about why there are translations. First, the context of translation is that those who do so believe they are translating the Word of God.…

I got a request from an e-mailer to blog on translations. This is the first one of such posts. There are a number of good translations available, and there are advocates for each one, and they use a variety of reasons for why they are advocates for one over another. I think there is a…

Perhaps this has been done and I have not seen it, but there is a need for a study of the praxis of early Christian visitation. Check the word books on episcopos/episkep– and you will see the issue quickly become “how much authority is in this office?” and very little attention to the concrete reality…

Yesterday I was invited to speak at an all-day Faculty Retreat for Minnehaha Academy in Minneapolis. The school has about 1200 students (K-12), and the Faculty represent a wide spectrum of the Church — many, of course, from the Evangelical Covenant Church. Over the years at North Park I’ve had many students who went to…

The following is a lecture I gave at North Park, and at a few other places and in a few different forms. It studies “liberal arts” and then encourages writing. I shared some of these in a previous blog, enough wrote to me for a copy of the whole thing, so here it is. I…

This week ends officially the summer break, and we head back to North Park University. Tuesday is our traditional Gathering Day — we have breakfast and then the President (which is now “three” as we continue our search for a new one) gives a “state of the union” address. But, I will miss Gathering Day…

The following is a chunk of an address I gave to our Faculty. The address was called “The Professor as Scholar,” and some of it was devoted to some ideas about writing. Here are some of those suggestions. First, writing is not about “technique” or “method” but about “identity”. We write because of who we…

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